Browse Category: reviews

Joy of Violent Movement Talks Sunsetting


Good looks to William and

“the most summery single they’ve released to date, while finding the band expanding upon their sound with the song seemingly nodding at Avalon-era Roxy Music, thanks to James McElwaine’s soulful and sultry saxophone lines, 80s synth funk and contemporary electro pop in a slick, seamless fashion.”

EP III Release Day

Happy Friday!

Check out the first piece about the full EP from ER and the PopDust team at

Listen to it there too!

“There are glimpses of Beach House (“Wolves”), Miami Horror (“Sunsetting”), and The xx (“Venir”) in Stereo Off’s artful new record. They’re absolutely in good company, but that’s not to say they don’t carve out their own place. On III, we see a band that’s grown comfortable in their sound, and is more than ready to continue contorting it.”

And yes, you can buy the EP now at:
and Amazon.

Joy of Violent Movement & Music Emissions Coverage

Double thanks to JoVM – They covered us a couple years back and have featured us again at

“the newly constituted trio’s sound has become more dance floor friendly as the band pairs a sinuous bass line with shimmering synths, Marciano sultry and plaintive vocals, a tight motorik-like groove and their while retaining renowned penchant for crafting tight, anthemic hooks.”

While “Music Emissions” also wrote about us back on the first EP, but featured us again this week at:

“After some lineup changes in the past year, 2016 brought on a new sound, which is clear on lead single “Sunsetting” from their upcoming third EP” (and right above, you can preview the 2nd single, Venir).


Coverage of Sunsetting

Thanks to everyone with their recent coverage of Sunsetting: here’s a few new ones we have seen. Send us any more you find!

Turn Up that Volume: “So much to discover with every spin. And, yes, it feels like a nocturnal symphony made to soundtrack your trippy promenade with your lover in the city while the sun goes down. Music for romantics. Music for urban phantasies. Music with a healing force. ”

View the whole post at

“Stereo Off manages to take a compressed pop atmosphere and unravel it into a chromatic and circuital space for deconstructing their given influences.”

RARWriter –
“This is had quite a dramatic impact on the nature of the Stereo Off sound, which based on this first single “Sunsetting” is rich and dark, like the Cowboy Junkies on Disco. It’s a cool sound.”

Newswhistle – Toptunes from around the

They also interviewed us back in October, so if you missed that, check out

Automated – featured in Audio Fuzz


Thanks to Audiofuzz for the mention on “Hot Music For Cold Cruising Days: Stereo Off – “Automated”

“This is another great song from Stereo Off. From the pulsating bass (something out of Heaven 17) to the glistening keyboards (think Duran Duran with keyboards accented) to guitar riffs (Echo and the Bunnymen) to that heavenly voice of Sebastian soaring high above it all.” Well, that covers it then. Now listen to it at

EP reviews in September

Much thanks to some blogs that recently covered our new EP

Uncanny Pop: – featuring Automated off the EP

Thinking Lyrically – “Stereo Off have made a strong EP here, with some big beats, huge hooks which definitely want you to keep the stereo on”

Turn up that volume – Band gets a mention on


August mentions, reviews and video coverage

Thanks to Brooklyn based Impose Magazine for the mention on this Week in Pop – scroll down, and you’ll see a mention and the Bullet Time video by us.

“It’s an amalgam of everything pertaining to ‘what New York used to be’ but with a DFA soul that sympathizes with the indie dance revolutions of the oughts”.

Speaking of film, we’re in this years NYC independent film festival –

And thanks to the mention from UK based “Fame Magazine” on

Updates and more EP reviews

Got a couple of great EP reviews recently, both from sites based just a quick drive up route 87 (ok maybe not that quick, and that’s another story) in Canada!

One from Replicant Ears – EP Review – that harkens the EP back to a mix of music from past decades and stating “This EP is definitely worth picking up, I’ve had it on repeat for days.” Thanks to Ryan and the team there at Replicant.

And then last week from 24OurMusic – “Stereo Off: Those Sexy Devils” – the title says enough surely…. And with a 9.8 out of 10 on the review also! –, much thanks to Patricia and everyone else over there.

It had me wondering, do we have that song that everyone mentions has their favourite? Or has it been an even split? So I looked at our review list and other mentions. And as of Late June 2014, due to reviews so far this year, the votes for favourite song per review went like this (note some reviews didn’t single one out, thus aren’t part of that count).

Photographs – 3
Bullet Time – 3
Effectual – 3
The Thrill – 3
MI6 – 3

Well, so much for seeing if reviews and feedback would help identify our top song from the EP. On a positive note, surely that means they are all keepers!

Weekend Update: Photos Ready, Video Edits, Reviews & Mentions

Its been a busy couple weeks for the band, we’ve finalised our photos and a couple of them are now on the site. We can also provide a full EPK on request. Here’s one for now.

And of course more to come on the FB page. In the meantime, the music video is ready!!!! – much thanks to everyone that helped us the past two weeks, everyone that stood in even when they had no idea what the scene would be about and just let someone say “ok, put on this make up”. Now all that needs to be done is some final editing and mixing and we’ll have it live soon.

In the meantime, here’s some more press, reviews and mentions about the band:

“SYFFAL” (Shut Your Fuckin Face And Listen) –
Joel “says STOP SLEEPING on Stereo Off”, thanks for the props and putting us top of that list!

“Who To Listen To” uses some of the press kit to put us as a featured artist at

Names of the sites seem to drop a hint overall….. thanks everyone, more to come soon.

Down By The River – Music Video Shoots, Reviews & More

Busy weekend for the band as we start finalizing the photo shoot takes from the previous weekend, in the meantime moving on to the music video shoots. The picture above is a hint. Its old school. Its black and white.

So the weekend update had to wait a couple days as we were out and about, but another week, and some more coverage. Newswhistle put together an awesome piece and interview with the band at A Great White With A Blindfold: What Unsigned Brooklyn Band Is Sharpening Its Teeth. Citing a mix of 80’s bands and recent NYC bands of much hype. Quote: “this band is moving fast towards golden indie shores”. Nice one. You can also find 3 of the Non-EP tracks on that article too.

And then moving back to the EP itself, a bonus review this week that nearly flew under my radar, from the Equal Ground.

“the most eclectic electronic sounds with the most down to earth rock tones and crashes them together to create an enthralling experience” & “This is cool! Seriously cool!”. Thanks to both sites for the coverage, reviews and interviews.

So not a bad weekend after all. Still plenty of work to do on the video though…. couple more sessions in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.

Weekend Updates – Beside The Photo Shoot

Hey Everyone, just wanted to drop the usual updates. We had a great photo shoot on the weekend, looking forward to getting some high quality band photos in order to get the word out. Much thanks to Deneka Peniston and Brian Morris Gallery.

As for other updates, we have a triple header this weekend.

Awesome write up from The General at, tagged “fucking excellent” and mentioned Photographs as “a fantastic indie-pop slice of heaven” and Bullet Time as “the sort of track that really benefits from being blasted loudly and with the bass turned up“. Nice one! Just read the blog, because the general is always right.

Cheers also for the quick round up and a mention of the EP on Shout It Loud Reviews – which can be seen at

And to cap off the weekend. If you are in the UK, listen on Monday 7pm – 8pm for Stereo Off on Temporary Noise Radio at

More to come soon, thanks.

Rock Music Pick From Zambah Music App Site

Slightly belated update as the weekend was busier than expected, but still keeping the weekly update streak semi alive.

Check out Stereo Off’s review at – and if in a band, Zambah is a music app that aims to connect independent artists with bands. Not sure how it works yet, but we’ll give their beta a shot.

Glad the team and Zambah enjoyed the EP. Loving this quote in particular (regarding the “effectual” song):
“If you’re not dancing when this song come on then something is clearly wrong with you.”

Thanks for the review! Good way to start the spring, and hey the snow is finally gone. Time to shoot a video then.

Check out other past reviews on

Another Week of Hibernating. And Reviews!

Without getting too technical, and most of you on WordPress blogs can attest to this, but every time I login I see loads of new comments awaiting approval. Sadly its mostly salesy/spammy comments being submitted. Actually found a legit one in the pile from a little while ago and didn’t know what to do with it.

Anyway, still hibernating in the studio as we get ready for EP2 and back on the stage at a venue near you (Assuming you are near us). But in the mean time, some great new updates, such as this review from Indie News Now at– which gave us a 9/10 and reminded them “so much of David Byrne that it sends me right back to that era.” That was really cool to hear and thanks for reviewing us. Glad you liked the EP and hopefully you stay tuned in the coming months.

I was back and forth on using Twitter for the band, as its full of junk and bands auto-replying with messages. But if you dig through, there are some great ways to find new music and new blogs, sites, etc and connect with those looking for that new unsigned band that no one knows yet, as opposed to being “that band” who just pesters strangers.

As a result, we’ve started to get some nice mentions and places tweeting or referring us to their readers, whether from other zines/blogs like or a random hotel in LA – so wanted to start mentioning some of these too.

Being a new unsigned band (in New York, a city of thousands of unsigned indie bands!) trying to get some traction out there, “getting the word out” has been the goal while staying warm this winter. Hopefully more where that came from next week, as its been a few weeks in a row now. That and a confirmed gig date for the spring time, which I’m certainly ready for (springtime and next gig that is).

EP Review from Aural Press

Aural Press – an independent blog based in the UK – gave our EP a great review this week. Much thanks to them. Check the overall blog out, its relatively new but starting to cover some good bands that you have and haven’t heard of.

More to come soon. Gotta start saving a copy of these things, as I know things don’t stay online forever (contrary to popular belief). We’re continuing to look at building coverage from the ground up via social media – so why not give this Twitter thing a look and follow us on for some band updates.

Gotta admit though, some of the Twitter stuff is odd. And what’s with all these bands doing auto-replies. Especially funny when the autoreply asks how did you find them, when they actually followed you first. Imagine that in real life.

Person 1: Um, good to meet you, how did you know about me?
Person 2: Well, you been walking behind me for a bit now.

Weekend Update, But not the SNL thing

Hey, just wanted to update things here as we work on getting the word out.

Cheers to Your Music News for the review and thanks for those following as we try and get our FB act together (much overdue work on our part perhaps) and push that new EP which we just received in the mail – its available to play on the right hand column of this site too.

Time to wind down though, perhaps un-plug for the weekend? Here’s an unplugged take of one of our newer tracks post-EP.