End of year lists! Yep its that time again.
Thanks a lot to Remy’s Film and Music Blog – http://thebestofmusicandfilm.blogspot.com/2014/12/remys-favourite-international-tracks-of.html
And cheers to Record Rewind Play – http://www.recordrewindplay.co.uk/tracks/stereo-off-photographs/
Both are brilliant blogs from the other side of the Atlantic and both of them had us in their top 10 lists, with the songs “Bullet Time” and “Photographs” respectively.
After all, tis the season for reminiscing about the year. And while 2014 is coming to a close and I for one am really looking forward to 2015, 2014 was a great year for the band. A year ago today, we had one of our favorite shows at Glasslands in Brooklyn (a great venue which is closing at the end of this year unfortunately), and we just finished recording our first EP (completely on the DIY tip), but despite all that, other than people that knew us… well, no one else knew us. We had a couple of mentions on venue websites and one blogger wrote a nice piece about us and a couple other bands, but that was pretty much it.
In January we put the finishing touches and got the EP ready. It was our so called “calling card” and with that, we tried to get the word out about the band. At first, we got a few kind “no thanks, maybe next time” but then the replies started coming in, and soon enough, by the spring, complete strangers were writing up about us on a weekly basis. By the end of the year, about 30 or 40 places took the time to check us out and write about us, interview us, etc, and in many cases really flattered us with high marks and props. Waaaay too many people to thank, but I will reach out to them all soon. For now, check the list of reviews at http://www.stereooff.com/reviews

Late spring, we also did a band photo shoot to put some pics with the EP, and also wanted to DIY a music video, and again, so many people to thank there too. A whole bunch of great friends sacrificed a day or so of video shooting to help make this video for “Bullet Time” work, and I’ll always be grateful for the work they did, as well as the overall help making the film, shooting the film and getting all the parts together. Through the summer we used the video as our single to help promote the band further, and even entered it on a bit of a whim into a couple of film festivals. Sure enough, both the NY Indie Film Festival and The Coney Island Film Festival, had us in the finals this fall.
By the latter part of the year, we managed to cross out another “thing we wanted to achieve as a band” perhaps. We were part of the CMJ Music Marathon, which I’ve been to before, but now were the ones on stage. It was a sunny Saturday afternoon well spent. And now that the year is almost over, we have another EP of songs ready and recorded. One “Hotel Mirror” was already released in October, and the other ones will be coming out in the early part of 2015, one with a new video too, that we can only hope does as well as the last one, if not better. We do like the idea for it at least…..Anyway, looking back, its been a great year getting Stereo Off moving, but 2015 is ideally when we reach that next stage.
Happy holidays to all of you, and thank you very much for everything in 2014, all the reviews, mentions, film fests, attending our shows, checking out our band from wherever in the world, sporting our band via t-shirts and just your overall support.